To whom it may concern is a phrase of concern that is used at the beginning of the letter and indicates the person who will read the letter. It is a traditional method of writing a letter Mostly it is used when the name of a concerned person is not known to you.
You can also use other alternatives of “to whom it may concern” like dear hiring manager/manager, or dear recruiter, etc. But the phrase to whom it may concern is formal, so it is preferable to use it in many business letters and emails.
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This article is about to whom it may concern templates. In this article, you will get complete info about these types of letters and to whom it may concern templates free of cost.
When to use To Whom it may concern letter?
You can use this phrase in your letters in the following cases like
- If the name of the hiring manager is unknown, then you can use this phrase. But before applying for a certain job, you should always search for the name of the hiring manager. In case the name remains unknown then you can use this phrase in your cover letters.
- If the gender of the person is neutral or unknown. For example, if the hiring person is female and you call her dear sir. It may affect her feelings for her. To avoid this kind of situation you can use this phrase.
- When several people are hiring a company like sometimes a company makes a team hire the people for a job. In this case, you cannot add the name of any single person.
So, you have to use this phrase “to whom it may concern”.
Writing to whom it may concern letters is not very easy and simple as it seems to be. If you would not follow the guidelines or format properly it may cause problems for you in the future. Many websites are providing free templates of this type of letter free of cost. If you are the one willing to write this letter, then you can download free templates from any website. Just download the template and edit it. It will save your time and energy.
How to write to whom it may concern letters?
We will provide you with complete guidelines about how you can prepare a good quality letter.
- It is better to start a letter with the name of a person whom you want to address. But in case you have to this phrase. Then keep the following things in mind.
- Start your letter with to whom it may concern. The first letter of each word must be capitalized. At the center of the letter, you will write to whom this may concern. Because now you are talking to that person who you already mentioned in your letter. That’s why we use this instead of it.
- Put the phrase To Whom It May Concern in a colon. Adding the colon will specify your salutation. Avoid adding coma. Instead of using commas, use a colon.
- After writing this phrase, you must check the spelling and punctuation. After writing this you can start your letter. Start your letter body after adding double space right after using this phrase.
To Whom It May Concern Letter Template 01

To Whom It May Concern Letter Template 02

Is it worth writing “to whom you may concern letters”?
- These types of letters can confuse and can also go to the trash if not written well. So, to avoid confusion in your letter. Write your letter body in clear and simple language. Your letter body should demonstrate your point whether you are writing a complaint letter or writing a cover letter for the company.
- It is better to write a person’s name at the beginning of the letter. If you don’t know the person’s name or you don’t want to use this phrase. Then use some other salutations. Your salutation should be good and easy to understand. Because it is the first impression of your letter. It will decide whether your letter is worth reading or not.
- You can also add the company’s name to the salutation if you want. Or you can also write to the “department head”.
- You can also use ‘dear sir’ or ‘dear madam’. But write this in a polite, and respectful manner.
You may need to write these kinds of letters anytime in your life. If you are the one looking to write to whom it may concern letters. Then we can help you by providing free to whom it may concern letter templates. All of these are free from copyright and free of cost.