Police reports are the legal documents in which complete detail about the case investigation is mentioned. Like whom is the suspected person, which evidence is collected by the police, and what is the result of the police investigation. Usually, a police report contains all the basic information about a certain incident.
The police officer submits this report to the head of the department and then the department decides according to the report which measures should be taken next.
This article is about police report templates. In this article, you will get complete info about police reports and free templates for police reports.
Purpose of writing a police report
A police report is mainly written to
- To start am investigation process. In the police reports, all the details about the incident are mentioned clearly.
- In the police report, all the evidence regarding the particular incident is also written.
- This report provides a comprehensive study of the case. A person can easily determine how much progress has been made at that event by just looking at these police report once.
Uses of police reports
- These reports also help to evaluate how much crime has been made during certain periods and in which city crime rate has been greater. All the data has been recorded in a documented form. It also helps to eliminate criminal activities from society.
- These reports can also be used by many insurance companies, risk managers, and attorneys to protect the basic civil rights of an individual.
- These reports help in any kind of statistical analysis. It also helps the police department to keep all the documents in an organized manner.
- Police reports help to recall and memorize the whole events of an incident during court proceedings.
How to write a police report?
If you are a police officer and you don’t know how to write police reports. Then don’t worry we will elaborate every step in detail that how you can write a comprehensive and precise police report.
- First of all, you have to get the police report template. You can get this form from your department. As every department has a specific type of form which varies accordingly. However, you can also download a police report template from any website. Many websites are providing police report templates free of cost.
- Then you have to fill in all the details about the incident in the form. It is better to make this report at the beginning of the incident. Because there are the chances that you can forget details with time. Make sure that you enter all data correctly.
- You must include the date, type, and location of the incident. Also mention the suspect. Include the name of those police officers who went to the incident. Also, include your name if you were among those police officers.
- The next step is to describe the details of the incident in your own words. Use first- person narration. Use simple and easy-to-understand language. It is better to stay away from difficult and flowery English language. Clear your point precisely. Don’t add extra details. Give to-the-point information about the incident.
- Add the statements of those people who were at the time of the incident. You can also add pictures. It will help you to describe your point.
- The last step is to proofread your document. After proofreading submits it to your head of department.
Police Report Template 01

Police Report Template 02

Tips to write a good police report
Here are some tips that will help you to write good quality and well-researched police reports.
- It is very important to write all the details of the incident in the report. You must all the things from starting to end which you remember and which you think must be included in your report. As this report is used in an investigation. So mentioning minor and unimportant things can help in the investigation. Don’t worry about the length of your report.
- Enter the true and correct information in the report. In the police reports, there is a section named a witness statement. Write their statement the same as they said. Don’t write their statement in your own words. It may cause many confusions in the future. However, if you don’t know something about that incident don’t write something on your own. It will cause ambiguity and confusion. Only include the things well known to you.
- Don’t include here sayings about a certain incident. Work professionally and add logical things to your report. Don’t build castles in the air.
- Language plays an important role in writing a good report. Simple and easy
language is easily understandable. The reader will love to read your report in detail. On the other hand, using difficult vocabulary words and flowery words can be irritating to some readers. So be as natural as you are. - Avoid using any kind of abbreviation or short forms in your report. Include the name of all those people who were there at the time of the incident. It is important to write down all the things in an honest way. Don’t try to hide something. The police profession demands a lot of honesty and dedication. Your report can decide the future of someone. So, it is necessary to add factual things in your report.
- After completing the report, make sure that you have entered the correct information, or you don’t miss anything important in your report. If any spaces are left behind, then fill them. Also, check for spelling or grammatical errors, also remove all those words that cause any confusion or that describe any personal emotion or feelings. You must be impartial to your feelings.
- Now submit your police report to the concerned person. You must know to whom you are going to submit this report. And if possible, submit it by hand. In case you mail this report. You must check for the follow-up call within one week that your report has been received.
Police reports play an important role in police departments because they carry all the information about the incident. You can make the police reports by hand. And you can also download it from our website free of cost. We are the best police reports templates provider online.