A complaint letter is a specific kind of letter that we write to a concerned department or company if we are not satisfied with their service. For example, if you purchase any drug from a drugstore and then you discover that the product is expired. You will write a complaint letter to the owner of that drugstore. You will do complain about your specific drug.
Writing a complaint letter to any department is a right of every person if you are not satisfied with their service. If you are facing genuine problems like you are facing gas or water shortage, any electricity problem then you can write a complaint letter to the concerned department. Even if a person is misusing the water in a public you can also write a complaint letter about him. So that stern action could be taken against him.
Complaint Letter Template 01

Complaint Letter Template 02

Types of complaint letters.
Complaint letters could be of many types. Let’s discuss it one by one.
Formal complaint letter.
Usually, a formal complaint letter is followed when you are facing problems regarding any product or service. This letter is also used to raise your voice or complaint against any person or department. This letter is written professionally. You cannot add any threatening or vague words in this letter. You must be clear and concise regarding your particular issue.
Usually, it is of two types.
Product or service complaint letter
This type of complaint letter is written in case you received any damaged or defective product. The letter must be brief and to the point clearly explaining the issue about the specific product.
Also mention your date of purchase of a product, product specifications, and warranty.
Employee complaint letter
This type of letter is written by an employee or any representative facing any issue about the department and person. Do not use offensive language. Explain your problem and its solution professionally.
Complaint letter general template
While writing a complaint letter to any department you must follow this general sample or format.
- First of all, write the sender’s address. You can also mention your phone number and email address so that you can be contacted easily.
- Then mention the date and receiver’s address. Mention the complete address of the company. Because some companies have many branches. So writing a complete address will deliver your complaint letter to the correct location.
- After that write the subject line or your reason for writing a complaint letter.
- Put down salutations. You can write dear sir/madam or dear manager. The body of the letter must include an introduction, a complaint about the specific product, and a conclusion. Write your problem explained in detail. So that no ambiguity about your problem is left behind.
- In conclusion, you can suggest the solution which you want to solve your problem. Like you want to replace your product or want to refund it.
- Then close your letter by putting down yours sincerely.
- Finish the letter with your signature.
Tips to write a good complaint letter
- First of all note down all the details of the product or company that you are complaining about. It is better to note the date, time, and place at the time of the incident.
- Structure your letter. Like you must follow the general structure for writing the complaint letter. That starts your salutation, then explains your yoexplainslem, and solutions to the problem, and at the end conclusion.
- Don’t use threatening or poor language. Always use friendly language. Talk in a professional and elaborative way. Don’t show your frustration to others. Your English language must be clear and to the point. Always include real facts and figures. Don’t provide false information.
- Many online websites provide free complaint letter templates. You can use them and fill them n according to your complaint.
- Proofread your complaint letter at the end to avoid any spelling or grammatical mistakes. You can also highlight or bold some important points in the letter.
- You can also attach relevant supportive documents if required.
Complaint Letters are utilized to raise your voices and issues about unjustified and poor things while looking for a useful result. While writing a letter make sure to utilize the right tone to compose a complaint letter and try not to be enthusiastic in your letter. Usually, complaint letters are written in formal manners. Don’t provide unnecessary information in the letter.